Where quality service providers build their residential and commercial businesses. ATTN: INDUSTRY PARTNERS OR SUPPLIERS 95% of Industry Partners renew year after year… because this program works! Become an Industry Partner Today. What is an IREM Industry Partner? Often, the greatest challenge in marketing is finding quality contacts and identifying primary decision makers. If you are looking for an effective new way to market your products and services to residential and commercial real estate managers and companies, the IREM® Industry Partners Program can help eliminate some of the confusion. As an Industry Partner of Greater Nashville, your company or organization will have a unique opportunity to deliver your message to specific target markets of Accredited Residential Managers, ARM®, and Certified Property Managers, CPM®. You’ll find that becoming an Industry Partner will be the best use of your time and advertising dollars. IREM® members and designees represent a powerful buying force in the industry and need the products you sell. In order to become an Industry Partner, a company or organization must be recommended for affiliation by an IREM® member, and be approved by the chapter’s Board of Directors. Each sponsorship level offers unique benefits. For more information, please contact the IREM office at (615) 889-1944.
Description of Sponsor Benefits The following description are supplemental to the Sponsors Benefits Listing, and apply only for those benefits that are listed for each level of sponsorship. Web Ads IREM Nashville Home Page – ads on home page will be the Platinum and Gold sponsors. IREM Sponsor Page – This will be a list of all the sponsors, by level. Location and size of sponsor names will decrease proportionally down the page. The value of the sponsorship will be listed. If there is availability for a sponsorship at the level, there will be a comment that this level sponsorship is still available. Link to Sponsor Website – For each sponsor listed on the sponsor page, there will be a hyperlink provided to their own website. Member Access Quarterly Mailing Labels – IREM Nashville Chapter will provide as requested, up to one set of mailing labels per quarter. E-Blast to Members (including endorsement) – IREM Nashville will forward this sponsors email message to our membership. For “endorsement included” there will be an introductory from a board member included in the E-Blast. Meeting Recognition Feature Presentation (or event) – Platinum, Gold and Silver – Sponsor will be given opportunity to control content and presentation of a regular monthly meeting. No other sponsor will be able to provide their 5 minute presentation during this meeting. Obviously it will be in the sponsor’s best interest to make the presentation valuable to the membership. 5-minute Presentation – At sponsor’s request, sponsor will schedule to give a five-minute (maximum) presentation about their company product/service. This is a commercial, but it is in the sponsor’s best interest to make this commercial interesting to the membership. Verbal Recognition by President – During regular monthly meeting, the President will acknowledge the sponsor with a one sentence description of the sponsor’s company. Special Name Tags – Sponsor will be provided distinct name tags for their members or guest-members. Other Recognition Logo on all Chapter E-Blasts/Art Work – All E-Blasts and printed material announcing any event or meeting will include logo of sponsor. This only applies to events and meetings that are exclusively IREM Nashville events (as IREM Nashville does not control this right for joint events.) Meeting Sponsor Reel – This will be a list of all the sponsors, by level, projected prominently at monthly meetings. The reel will include sponsor provided logo/artwork along with value of sponsorship. If there is availability for a sponsorship at the level, there will be a comment that is level sponsorship is still available. Golf Tournament Foursome – This is a complimentary team for the annual golf tournament. Golf Tournament Hole Sponsor – This is a complimentary hole sponsorship in the annual golf tournament. Listing on website’s Calendar of Events - At sponsor’s request we will list sponsor events on the chapter calendar of events. Exclusivity Option to Provide Door Prizes - Sponsor will have the opportunity to provide door prizes (such as gift cards) for chapter meetings and events, and receive mention of their name when the prize is awarded. Nearly all of the benefits listed on this page are extended exclusively to sponsors. It is particularly noted that these benefits will not be extended to any other vendor without board approval. The board will evaluate requests for exception to this rule and weigh heavily the value such a request provides for our membership against the cost of cheapening our sponsor benefits. What Does it Take to Participate?
Program Benefits
95% of Industry Partners renew year after year… Become an Industry Partner Today. What is an IREM Industry Partner? Often, the greatest challenge in marketing is finding quality contacts and identifying primary decision makers. If you are looking for an effective new way to market your products and services to residential and commercial real estate managers and companies, the IREM® Industry Partners Program can help eliminate some of the confusion. As an Industry Partner of Greater Nashville, your company or organization will have a unique opportunity to deliver your message to specific target markets of Accredited Residential Managers, ARM®, and Certified Property Managers, CPM®. You’ll find that becoming an Industry Partner will be the best use of your time and advertising dollars. IREM® members and designees represent a powerful buying force in the industry and need the products you sell. In order to become an Industry Partner, a company or organization must be recommended for affiliation by an IREM® member, and be approved by the chapter’s Executive Council. |
Institute of Real Estate Management® Greater Nashville Chapter
211 Donelson Pike, Suite 106, Nashville, TN 37214 Phone (615) 889-1944 Fax (615) 884-9034
© 2025 Institute of Real Estate Management Greater Nashville Chapter